Tuesday, August 17, 2021

August 17, 2021 - BCPL Resume Tips

Brooke County Libraries - Resume Tip #10

Bullets Vs Paragraph

With so many resume and CV templates floating around on the internet today, it had be hard to find a format that works for you. One of the biggest differences are bullet points verses paragraphs.

Here's our advice: If your work history is short, use bullet points, but if you have a lengthy job history, use paragraphs.

The difference lies in trying to keep your resume one page. Employers always gravitate to page that looks full but not cluttered. Bullet points for your job duties, responsibilities, certifications, or skills will not do you any favors unless you need to expand to fill your page. 

If you have worked at only one or two places perhaps because you just graduated college or spent several years as a stay-at-home parent, bullet point your job duties to expand your information. If you have twenty plus years of job positions, put your responsibilities in paragraph form so you can fit more employers.

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