Tuesday, February 8, 2022

February 8, 2022 - Staff Reviews

Shielding Devyn
Susan Stoker
Release Date: May 18, 2021
Ebook Available from WV Reads!

3 Stars - Another likable entry in this short Stoker series. Devyn's in less trouble herself than the last few books implied, but Lucky's in no need of an excuse to turn up the heat on their relationship. This one was pretty much a love story right off the bat, a little something for fans of the author basically.

We had some build up to Lucky and Devyn, and they didn't waste much more time getting into their relationship. Most of Stoker's stories are of the insta-love variety. But this one might win the race. Lucky's a man who knows what he wants. He's got his friend's blessing and he's ready to make Devyn a lucky girl. Devyn's not really as quirky as some heroines go. She mostly checks all the Stoker girl boxes. But she had a difficult childhood and struggles with her family. Also, pet lovers rejoice! They're proud animal lovers and pet parents.

One of my big issues here was the sibling relationship, especially with mutual friends involved. Growing up with two siblings, varying age differences, I can't imagine that Grover just sit around and let his two younger siblings just work on their huge problems. Supposed Devyn and Grover are close and he knows Spencer was always cruel to her at times. Would he really leave Lucky alone, knowing he knew the story? No. Not in real life. This aspect took up the first half of the book. Broken up by Lucky adopting some sad little pets that will have every reader following their local animal shelter stalking their social media pages. A note on the steamy scenes: Stoker's come in two styles hot or awkward. These started off awkward but sorta found their way to hot. Still skimmable as usual for those who prefer to skip those chapters. Finally, the conclusion wasn't especially memorable or chilling so the suspense was a bit sub-par for Stoker. Worth a quick read if you're into this series. Otherwise, you won't miss much.



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