Hello, job seekers!
Brooke County Libraries brings you our resume creation tip #3.
Add an objective or goal.
Employers love to hear your short term interests. This is an excellent way to state your intentions, and there's no need for you to get specific.
A short and simple objective works best, no need to become wordy or bog down the top of your resume (and that is where it should be, near the top.) This small addition can help set you apart from other candidates and can create a personal touch.
Here are a few examples of a strong objective or goal to list.
"I am seeking a new team where I can share my ideas and skills with a new group of people."
"I am seeking a full time position where I can be an asset to a loyal employer."
"I am looking for a fresh and creative work environment where I can express myself and expand my experience and skills."
"I'm looking for a customer service position where I can meet and/or talk with new people every day."
"I am seeking employment with an established company that will value my years of experience and expertise, while helping me continue to learn."

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